Completamente GRATIS e SENZA IMPEGNO, ti indicheremo il tuo livello di conoscenza della lingua inglese con il Test di Valutazione elaborato dal nostro team pedagogico.
Il test consiste in 50 domande a risposta multipla, alle quali potrai rispondere senza limiti di tempo
(ti consigliamo di essere il più sincero possibile evitando la consultazione di libri, testi di grammatica, amici e…Google).
Si comincia da una difficoltà media aumentando progressivamente il livello, passando per tutte le aree grammaticali della lingua inglese.
Potrai conoscere il tuo livello di conoscenza dell’idioma in maniera accurata, secondo le valutazioni ufficiali del Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Dicono di Noi…

I’m attending a B2 private course at this Cambridge Institute. The lessons are very stimulating and Antonietta is fantastic, an always-smiling person, very professional and dedicated to her students. We focus and face my difficulties with the main topic of the B2 exam, and she guide me and guide me in order to make me do my best. (I hope this is ok, feel free to correct my English and change something. Do you need a picture of me?)

I achieved my goal through an English course at the Cambridge Institute. The school manager is Ms. Antonietta Bonacci, who was also my mentor and the one that guided me throughout my learning, which I accomplished with a C1 Cambridge certificate.
The school offers several main courses with different hour packages, depending on the student’s need. The English level of the scholar Is attested though a placement test which will establish, once corrected, your personal English level. I personally followed a 40 hours course, at the end of which I was able to give the final exam and obtain the CAE Advanced certificate.

Although the module content is very difficult for me when I read the TOEFL books, the lecturer made it easy to understand. Lecture notes are ordered and clear.
Lectures are interesting and refreshing and not boring.
I would recommend it.

I attended individual lessons, but, if you prefer, you can choose collective ones as well, suiting your needs. What amazed me the most, was the professionality exercised by each one of the professors; they focus on your personal growth, with all the means they possess. The Cambridge point is well-equipped; it has audio players, computers and monitors in every room for exercising and Exams samples.
What can I say more! It was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone who wishes to learn English in an efficient and thorough way, also because a Cambridge certificate is required in most of today’s job applications, due to our highly globalized world.